Hendrick Willemsz Family Tree
The gathering of this family data represents the work of many people over many years, but the most recent work was completed by Dr. Andrew Hendricks and DelLynn Leavitt. We are using software developed especially for displaying genealogical data within a website. This software is The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© known as “TNG” and is available at https://www.tngsitebuilding.com/.
Once within the Family Tree data, the TNG module will provide its own navigation bar allowing you to see the data for individuals, families, list ancestors, or descendants, as well as other options. The login button is only for those who administer the data. You do not need to login to see everything contained in the database, so you may ignore that tab.
The Family Tree is updated periodically as new research brings us new information or corrections.
Click this link to open the TNG Family Tree database module in a new tab.
Questions or corrections? Email research@hhfo.org.