Henry Hendricks Family Organization & LDSAFA


Lots of acronyms! The Henry Hendricks Family Organization (HHFO) and the Latter-day Saint Ancestral Family Association are two organizations working towards similar objectives…to further the work of family history, to keep accurate records, and to be a voice to FamilySearch, By the HHFO joining the LDSAFA, we can further the mission of the organization.

The Henry Hendricks Family Organization board of directors attended an LDSAFA meeting in September 2017 in Salt Lake City at the Family History Center across from temple square. The board enjoyed learning first hand about the goals and work of this organization so the HHFO board determined it a good fit to host their own board meetings in the future on the same day as the LDSAFA meetings. The HHFO board also chose to support the LDSAFA by making a small contribution and reserved a table at two upcoming events in September and at the 2019 RootsTech.

We proudly display the logo of the LDSAFA on our HHFO page and invite family members to view their site at https://sites.google.com/view/ldsafa/home.