Hendricks and Hendrickson Dutch Heritage Association

The national Hendricks and Hendrickson Dutch Heritage Association

was formed to promote the research and memory of the

ancestors, descendants, and allied families

of Hendrick Willemsz who married Gysseltje Albertse Bradt.


The ancestry of this Hendricks, Hendrickson, Hendrix family

is all Dutch and we want to help you understand your Dutch Heritage

as well as to learn more about the influence of the Netherlands on American history.


 Hendrick Willemsz was born around 1634,

in Barneveld, Gelderland, Netherlands.


Gysseltje Albertse Bradt was born March 1637/1638

in Rensselaerwyck, Albany, New York.


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Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead,
and I will measure with mathematical exactness
the tender mercies of its people,
their respect for the laws of the land,
and their loyalty to high ideals.

– William Gladstone