Reunion Schedule
Friday Evening Events
Old Brick Reformed Church – Volharden Hall
490 Route 520, Marlboro, NJ 07746
Saturday Morning Events
Beau Ridge Clubhouse
Beau Ridge Condominiums
South Laurel Avenue at Beau Ridge Drive
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Old Brick Reformed Church
490 route 520, Marlboro, NJ 97746
Hendricks(on) Burial Ground Re-dedication Ceremony
Hendrickson Burial Ground is located near the center of the condominium complex; follow signs
Old Brick Reformed Church Tour
Old Brick Reformed Church (meet in the church)
490 route 520, Marlboro, NJ 97746
Historic Hendricks(on) Family Sites Bus Tour with Joseph W. Hammond, Curator of Museum Collections, Monmouth County Historical Association (by separate ticket)
(You may leave your car in the church parking lot; bus has 50 seats, air-conditioning, and a bathroom.)
Site Visits:
- Daniel Hendrickson Home (about 1692)
- Holmes-Hendrickson House (about 1730)
- Longstreet (Hendrickson) Farm (about 1780)
- Couvenhoven House (about 1760)
- Monmouth Battlefield Park
- Taylor-Butler House (Special exhibit of Hendrickson Family portraits and memorabilia)
Bus Tour is limited to 50 seats and will be filled on a first come, first served basis by payment received.
Saturday Evening Events
Old Brick Reformed Church
490 route 520, Marlboro, NJ 97746
Hendricks and Hendrickson Family Pizza Party and Social
Old Brick Reformed Church Picnic Grounds
490 Route 520, Marlboro, NJ 07746
Sunday Morning Events
Old Brick Reformed Church
490 route 520, Marlboro, NJ 97746
“Until We Meet Again” Continental Dutch Fare
on the church picnic grounds